neo airdrop

NEO BY BiteBTC Airdrop 

First 10,000 Winners to get 1 NEO coins each . 
NEO Trading Battle 100,000 NEO to Give Away!


icon-gift Token value: 1 NEO

 icon-money  Estimate value:$14.00

 icon-group Referral:N/A

 icon-group Max.participants: 10.000

 icon-briefcase  Platform: NEO


 icon-globe Website


NEO is an open source project driven by the community. It utilizes blockchain technology and digital identities to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts. Using a distributed network, it aims to create a “Smart Economy”.
BiteBTC is in the top 50 for volume on CoinMarketCap

Step-by-Step Guide :

  1. Register an account on BiteBTC
  2. Follow them on Twitter
  3. Join BiteBTC Official Telegram channel
  4. Like and Retweet the Airdrop tweet from Offcial BiteBTC Twitter account
  5. Fill in the form

100,000 NEO Trading Battle :

The prize fund (100,000 NEO) is proposed to be divided as follows:

  • 30,000 NEO goes to the trader with the largest volume of trades in NEO;
  • 20,000 NEO goes to the trader with the second result on the volume of trades in NEO;
  • 15,000 NEO goes to the trader with the third result in the volume of trading NEO;
  • 5,000 NEO goes to the traders with 4th – 10th results in the volume of trading NEO.

    Prizes will be credited to the personal accounts on BiteBTC and can be used for further trading or can be withdrawn to external wallets.

Note: Airdrop Campaign & Trading Battle Start: May 15th, 2019 , Finish: May 22nd, 2019

Follow us on  Twitter, And join our  Telegram channel,  to receive new airdrops and help us build a community!

neo airdrop