Crypto Fund Syndicate Protocol
  • Platform ERC20

Crypto Fund Syndicate Protocol

  • Active

Sawa is the most open, transparent, and convenient way to participate in a private sale.
No more middlemen, gatekeepers of capital, or geographic restrictions. There is no KYC or any privilege for larger investors versus smaller ones.
Now the investor can direct all his capital to buy a token or a share in a blockchain project.
An investor no longer needs to store aggregator dao tokens to get a tier.

Sawa Airdrop Token Supply – $50,000 in SAWA Tokens
Sawa airdrop contest is worth $40 in SAWA tokens for 1,000 randomly chosen lucky winners.
There is also a referral contest with a leaderboard – a total $10,000 in SAWA tokens.
Invite friends to win one of the following prizes:
1st Place: $1,500 in SAWA tokens
2nd Place: $1,000 in SAWAtokens
3rd Place: $750 in SAWA tokens
And $6,750 in SAWA tokens will be shared among top 4 – 50 referrals.
Tokens Per Referral – Leaderboard Contest with up to $10,000 in SAWA tokens

Airdrop Start Date – January 6, 2022
Airdrop End Date – March 6, 2022
Airdrop Distribution Date – August 6, 2022
KYC is not a requirement


value $40
Tokens N/A
Refferal Yes
Max.participants N/A

Step by step guide


Start the airdrop bot


Complete all the tasks 


 Submit your ETH wallet


Remember that you can get $40 in SAWA tokens only if you complete all the tasks


Invite friends to win one of the following prizes:
1st Place: $1,500 in SAWA tokens
2nd Place: $1,000 in SAWAtokens
3rd Place: $750 in SAWA tokens


And $6,750 in SAWA tokens will be shared among top 4 - 50 referrals.

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