Bancor is a Decentralized Liquidity Network that allows you to hold any Ethereum token and convert it to any other token in the network, with no counterparty, at an automatically calculated price, using a simple web wallet.
Requirements :
Step-by-Step Guide :
Hold BNT tokens in your private wallet or an exchange supporting this airdrop. Binance is the first exchange supporting this airdrop
The snapshot will occur on January 1st at 12:00 AM EST
You will get free ETHBNT tokens proportional to 10% of your BNT tokens. If you hold 100 BNT tokens then you will get 10 BNT worth of ETHBNT
The total airdrop pool will be equivalent to 10% of the BNT market cap at the time of the snapshot
Users who mint USDB will also receive the airdrop. For information regarding USDB minting see this post
ETHBNT will be distributed within 10 days after the snapshot
You can either hold ETHBNT and collect fees from every ETH-based conversion on Bancor, convert it into another Bancor pool token, and collect fees from another Bancor liquidity pool, such as USDT:BNT or USDC:USDB or you can convert ETHBNT into ETH, EOS, or any other ERC20 or EOS token in the Bancor Network