
Authpaper Airdrop

Authpaper Airdrop is worth $10.00


icon-gift Token value: 100 AUPC

 icon-money  Estimate value:$10.00

 icon-group Referral: N/A

 icon-group Max. participants:N/A

 icon-briefcase  Platform: ETH


 icon-globe Website

About Authpaper 

Authpaper combines blockchain, BT, cryptography and other current technologies to build a peer-to-peer digital data delivery platform.

Authpaper is airdropping 100 AUPC tokens to new users. Create an account at Authpaper to receive your tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide :

  1. Visit the Authpaper website.
  2. Signup using your Google account.
  3. You will get 100 AUPC tokens.
  4. Now sent a mail to [email protected] using your registered mail with the title “Withdraw AUPC” along with your ETH address to withdraw the tokens.

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